But before I get into my hopes for this blog, I thought I’d give you all a proper welcome. My name is Liz and when it comes to classic soaps, I have mad street cred. There was a particularly scary point in the summer of 1990 when, at the tender age of 14, I was watching five shows daily. While I dabbled in them all, I was only really hardcore about two: One Life to Live and Guiding Light. Both shows featured terrific actors, stellar production values and challenging plotlines. It was television Nirvana!
As I read the comments it was mentioned frequently that hitting fourth place after having been off the television for nearly 20 years was quite the feat (the actresses who ranked 1-3 were still on their shows at the time of the list). It was also mentioned that many fans today never have had the opportunity to see Beverlee McKinsey in action. That was just not acceptable. I’ve been hard at work (with lots of help mind you) creating the Beverlee McKinsey Archive and while it is still a work in progress, I believe it is shaping up to be an effective testament to her brilliance.
And so Divas and Scoundrels was created as a way of paying homage to the shows, stars and behind the scenes craftspeople who made daytime great. It is also a place for classic soap opera fans to gather and share memories, clips and anything else related to the heyday of daytime television. In my mind, that heyday took place from 1974 to 1991. But if you can make an argument for other years, I could be swayed.
Thanks for stopping by!!
PS Oh yeah, and that person stalking youtube for 1989 clips of Guiding Light? That would be me :-)