OLTL Trading


The discs below represent only a small part of my collection. This page will be updated regularly as I continue to catalogue the episodes I have in my collection. If you are looking for a particular episode or storyline, please feel free to contact me.


Disc  #2
January, 1980-early 1983:  Dorian goes after Clint; Ted works on Viki; Asa throws a party; Viki and Clint in New York;  Clint romances Edwina; the Press Wars; Viki goes to jail; Clint and Viki marry; Tony Lord is killed

Disc  #3
Early 1983-September, 1983:  Asa is missing and believed dead, his funeral and return; family strife; Asa and Dorian go after The Banner; Echo comes to town; Echo is believed dead

Disc  #4
September, 1983-early 1984:  Echo story winds up; San Carlos, David and Jenny grow close; Lord Manning story begins

Disc  #5
Spring 1984-Fall 1984:  Lord Manning story; Tina returns; Becky Lee is missing; Viki begins preparing to honor The Banner's 50th anniversary

Disc  #6
Fall 1984-May, 1985:  Viki becomes more involved with her father's memory; Becky Lee is found; Tina discovers information about her parentage; The Banner Banquet

Disc  #7
May-August, 1985:  Jenny tries to help Viki; Harry O'Neill is killed; Tina goes to trial.
Disc #15
March-April, 1986:  Viki and Clint are both free; Tina maintains her claim;Tracy hides at Llanfair; Tina goes after Richard; a party at Llanfair; a strong box is discovered

Disc #16
April, 1986:  David and Jenny are endangered; the box is opened;  Viki and Clint remarry; Asa's throws a party

Disc #17
May-June, 1986:  Viki and Clint rescue David and Jenny; Tina meets Cord

Disc #18
June-July, 1986:  Brad involved in race track scandal; Asa learns that Cord is his grandson; Al Roberts dies; Mitch begins his mission; Dorian is under attack

Disc# 19
July, 1986:  Viki rescues Joy; Tina vacillates between Cord and Richard; Mitch starts his mission; Cassie becomes his captive
Disc #30
April-May, 1987:  Clint is unsettled; wedding plans for Cord and Kate; Tina returns; Viki and Clint finally make up their differences

Disc #31
May-July, 1987:  little Al is christened; Tina and Cord are divorced

Disc #32
July-August. 1987
Bunni Chaviak arc; Maria plans her final revenge; Maria dies

Disc #33
September-November, 1987:  Tina goes to prison; Clint is blinded

Disc #34
November-December, 1987:  Clint begins to adjust to his blindness;  Thanksgiving; Clint's tapes will

Disc #35
December, 1987-February, 1988:  Christmas; the family moves to Arizona; Clint disappears

Disc #36
February-March, 1988:  Old West:  Buck and Blaize marry, Clint starts pursuing Miss Ginny; Llanview:  Clint's funeral

Disc #37
March-April, 1988:  Old West:  Clint's is ambushed; Ginny is captured by slavers; Llanview:  Tina's wedding to Max, not;  Kevin acts out

Disc #38
April-May, 1988:  Old West:  Clint rescues Ginny; Ginny and Clint plan to marry; trying to sort things out; Llanview:  Blaize visits the 20th century; Viki follows Clint

Disc #39
May-July, 1988:  end of Old West story; Mari Lynn and Wade marry; bits and pieces of Faux Bo story

Disc #40
July-Sept 1988:  end of Faux Bo [fragments] Viki's high school reunion

Disc #41
Sept-Oct 1988:  Viki learns she had a daughter 25 years earlier and starts a search; Michael Grande has a plan; Christine Cromwell seems to be the missing child

Disc #42
Nov-Dec 1988:  Viki tells Christine she is her mother; Ursula captures Viki and Sarah; Christine suspects that something is amiss

Disc #43
Dec, 1988-Feb 1988:  Christine is rejected; Michael kidnaps Viki and Roger rescues her; the Gordon girls learns that there is a family secret; Tina falls into the mountain

Disc #44
Feb 1989:  Eterna and rescue; Megan learns she is Viki's daughter

Disc #45
Feb-Mar 1989:  post Eterna problems; Roger falls ill

Disc #46
Apr-Jun 1989 Megan plays Ruby Dee; Bo is accused of killing Alicia Grande; Daisy awards; Austin takes hostages

Disc #47
Jul-Oct 1989
Viki recovers from gunshot; Llana Flagg; Roger suggests Viki co-chair centennial committee with him

Disc #48
Oct-Nov 1989 centennial plans; Clint tries to save Buchanan City

Disc #49 
Dec, 1989-Mar 1990 Viki takes on the Wymans; Clint returns; drugs in Llanview; Viki begins her campaign for mayor

Disc #50
Mar-May 1990 Viki's campaign and election; Michael Grande is killed